HR Rhumbline’s Blockade Runner SH "Rebel"
January 29, 2002 ~ August 17, 2012
No where near long enough, my sweet Rebel
Black Female, Born 01-29-02, Out of Boss and Blaze
OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Patellas Normal, Cardiac Normal, Cerf Clear, Optigen A, EIC & CNM Clear
She is a full sister to Captain
Reg #: SN89919501
Five days is not enough time for a heart to even think about healing much less to have to face such a loss so soon. Rebel was a special girl in everyway from the day she was born. We were going to keep a boy from the litter. The litter turned out to be just 2 pups one boy and one girl. As much as I tried to not to like Rebel, she crawl under my skin very quickly, and by 2 ½ weeks when she got out of the box and I couldn’t find her (she was asleep on a dog bed with one of the big dogs) she was the one. She had another name, which I do not recall, she hated it, one day I was on the phone complaining that I couldn’t even get her to come to her name, Joe said “she is a real rebel isn’t she”. I said Rebel she is and she came running over, and so Rebel it was. And boy was she ever one. Tell her it couldn’t be done and she would do it.
Rebel was the dog with more lives then a cat, as most of you know she did not have an easy life. But she accepted and over came every challenge that was given to her. She taught me more about perseverance, love, courage, heart and dedication then anyone I have ever met. There are many people that helped Rebel and I to get her this far, I could never begin to name them all, you know who you are and you all know how important you were to Rebel and I. I have to mention two, because without these two I would have been writing this many years ago. Deb Saunders, who believed in Rebel when everyone else had given up and said to put her down, I will forever remember the phone call when she told me Rebel jumped on the bed. Her competition career ended with that injury, but she had her life back, and she even went to Robins Island after that. Dr. Dunbar, who always believed and tried so hard to help her every time, even when everyone else said to give up, you didn’t. Thank you for giving me 5 more years.
Rebs, a kinder more sweet dog never walked this earth, a gentle giant with a heart big enough for 9 dogs (perhaps why you had so many lives). I will forever hear your bark for the ball; see the intensity in your face when the birds were called for and the sweetness in your spirit, no matter what you were going through. Run swiftly again my friend, now that you can see, and run without pain or lameness. The birds and balls are plentiful and you can play all day everyday. I am sure Maggie is right there waiting so that you kind find the rest of the pack together.
Driving in the truck will not be the same without your wonderful soft chin resting on my shoulder.
Godspeed my sweet girl.

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