HRCH Rhumbline’s Magnetic Compass CD CC RN MH "Maggie"
January 10, 2000 ~ August 12, 2012
National Specialty Field Trial Bitch Class Winner and a Qualifying JAM!!
FC AFC Hilltop's Hayseed x HRCH Rhumbline's Compass Rose, CD MH
Black Female, Born 01-10-00, Out of Bubba and Rosie
OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Patellas Normal, Cardiac Normal, Cerf Clear, Optigen A, Narc Clear, CNM Clear
Reg #: SN70678201
Maggie you were an amazing and wonderful girl. Always ready to go! It really did not matter where as long as you were going. Ready for anything, anytime, anywhere. Joe and you were best buds and hunting partners, his Jetty dog, his heart dog. He was not here to say good-bye perhaps that is best as you got to say good-bye with him on your own terms. I will forever miss you and be sorry you did not get to have you’re last flyer, as always you were in a rush to get somewhere on your own terms and schedule. At least I got to hold you and talk with you while you went through that last door here in this world.
What didn’t you do? There was never a task I asked you to do that you did not try and succeed at. A rally title in 4 straight passes, at over 12 years old, with placements. I am sure you thought I was crazy asking you to do all those weird things neither of us had ever seen before; all that mattered to you was that we were going somewhere and doing something. Field Trials, Hunt Test, Sea Duck Hunting, Upland Hunting, Duck Hunting, Model, Actor, Obedience, Rally, Teacher, Mother, Grandmother, Partner and most of all FRIEND.
Run Fast Maggie, May there always be some place for you to go and more birds then you could want when you get there. I already miss you more then words can say.

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